Standing proud on the edge of Wimbledon Village and facing the common. This Yew, which is one of a pair of native British evergreens, has been cleverly clipped into a long busby shape. I always feel, the strong form works well adjacent to the shape of the War Memorial.
Young Yew plants are bushy and, if left unclipped, they eventually grow into large trees almost as wide as they are tall. However they are rarely allowed to grow naturally, being a firm favourite for classic style hedges and topiary. The potential age of yews is impossible to determine accurately and is subject to much dispute. Even lower estimates at 2,000 years makes Taxus baccata the longest-living plant in Europe. They are quite amenable to growing conditions and will grow in any well-drained soil. Most parts of the tree are toxic, except the bright red aril surrounding the seed, enabling ingestion and dispersal by birds.